Liebe Schüler:innen, liebe Eltern,
im Englischunterricht haben die Schüler:innen Weihnachtsgeschichten geschrieben, die wir euch mit diesem Beitrag mit auf den Weg geben möchten. Die Weihnachtskarten im Beitrag wurden von unseren Schüler:innen im Wahlpflichtfach Informatik gestaltet. Das Titelbild hat Paul aus der 3B designed.
Wir wünschen euch hiermit allen ein schönes Fest und einen guten Rutsch in das Jahr 2022. Wir wünschen euch allen erholsame Ferien und freuen uns, euch erholt am 10.01.2022 wieder in der Schule begrüßen zu können.

The little elf
On Christmas Eve, the Snow family was getting ready for dinner. They lived in a beautiful house in the country side, close to the woods. Their house was enlightened with Christmas decoration and they had a beautiful tree in their living room. When everybody finally sat down by the table, they heard someone knocking at the door. First, they looked at the window because the Snow family thought that they could see a guest. But they didn’t see anyone. The father of the family said, “That’s strange. Let’s open the door. Maybe, we will see someone who knocked at the door.” When they opened the door, they didn’t see anyone again. But when the Snow family looked down, they saw a little elf with funny ears and with gifts in his hands. “These gifts are for you!”, said the little elf. The Snow family was very glad and invited the elf for dinner. (Sascha 2a)
The missing christmas tree
On Christmas Eve ten years ago, a woman came to my office. She said that her name was Alice Edwards. I quickly noticed that she looked afraid and nervous. She told me that she was crossing the grand Grote Market in the center of Brussels, when the giant Christmas tree just disappeared in front of her eyes. I immediately decided to call one of my friends, sergeant Chief. At first, he told me that the tree was fine. While we were talking, he suddenly hung up and called me back five minutes later. What he told me was shocking. I think it was something like „the Christmas tree suddenly vanished“.
When I arrived at the Grote Market, I immediately noticed that the criminal left no obvious evidence; but that wasn’t going to stop me from solving the puzzle. Sergeant Chief had already told me everything I needed to solve the crime. The culprit was the woman, who had visited my office earlier. There was no doubt because otherwise she wouldn’t have known about the crime. And that was how I, detective Poirot, solved another great crime in just a few minutes. (Felix 4a)

A christmas miracle
On Christmas Eve, the Snow family was getting ready for dinner. They lived in a beautiful house in the country side, close to the woods. Their house was enlightened with Christmas decoration and they had a beautiful tree in their living room. When everybody finally sat down by the table, they heard someone knocking at the door. First, they thought that Rudolph and his friends came here to get their share of the food. But when they opened the door, they saw a little girl. She said that she was lost because she was looking for Santa Clause, so he could heal her mom from cancer. Santa was touched by her story so he decided to help her. But first, he wished that the girl went back to bed and that she didn’t remember her encounter with Santa. Then he wished that the mom would be cancer free. When the girl woke up, her mom screamed, “I feel ok! My body feels strong. This is a real Christmas miracle.” Then they had a little family party. (Naomi 2a)
Detective David P. and the Christmas tree
Today on December 16th, t the giant Christmas tree in London was stolen. My name is David P. and I´m a detective who is going to find the Christmas tree. I arrived at the place where the tree had been stolen. Everyone there was in shock, because they couldn’t believe how someone could steal the tree. It wasn´t easy to find clues and the only thing I found, were the needles of the tree. They led me into a big parking lot with three cars: a blue pickup truck with blackened windows, a red bus with a card that shows the giant Christmas tree and a silver BMW with snow chains on the wheels. I wrote down the license plate numbers from all the cars because the owners of them were my suspects.
First, I visited the woman who owned the blue pickup truck and asked her if she knew about what had happened. She answered, “Of course! It’s horrible that a person would do something like that!” She sounded very honest so I tried the next suspect. It was a rather old man who owned the red bus. I asked him the same question and he replied that he didn´t know that there even was a tree in the city and he asked me to leave. Then I went to the owner of the BMW. I knocked at the door of the owner’s house and a young man in tears opened the door. Of course I had to ask him why he was so sad, and he answered that he couldn´t believe that the giant tree was gone. He was so excited to see the tree, but it was gone. I told him not to worry because I had a feeling who the thief was.
I once again went to the old man and I asked him where the tree was. He said that he had already told me that he didn’t know anything about a tree. However, I already knew that he was lying because there was a picture of the tree in his bus. So I once again asked him where the tree was. The man replied that the tree was in his backyard. He then explained, “My daughter loves Christmas and I just want to make her happy. But I don’t have enough money to afford a tree!” I should arrest thieves, but he just wanted to make his daughter happy. So I gave him some money to buy a small tree. The man was so thankful that he lent me his bus to bring the tree back. Everyone was so happy to see that the tree was back and my job for the day was fulfilled. (Nicolas 4a )

The Grinch
On Christmas Eve, the Snow family was getting ready for dinner. They lived in a beautiful house in the country side, close to the woods. Their house was enlightened with Christmas decoration and they had a beautiful tree in their living room. When everybody finally sat down by the table, they heard someone knocking at the door. First, they thought that it was Santa Clause. It wasn’t Santa Clause, It was a very scary green man with green hair. It was the Grinch!!!! He screamed, “Give me your gifts and decoration! I hate X-mas!” The family was frightened. The Grinch laughed, “Hahaha!” and put down his mask. It was the grandfather. (Niklas 2a)
Elisabeth 3b

Naya 3a